To research further into my target group, I interviewed a group of 4 people in the age range of my target group. I constucted a series of questions about the 3 trailers that I analysed to see what my target group liked and disliked about them. The questions I asked them were;
What did you like about the trailer?
What didnt you like about the trailer?
Would the trailer make you want to watch the rest of the film?
The first trailer I showed my focus group, was the trailer for Demons Never Die. My four respondents reacted very positively for this trailer. I asked them the first question as a group, and got them to discuss it.
As a group they decided that the trailer advertised the film very well, they all agreed that the way in which the trailer showed all of the main characters without giving to much infomation away to the audience was also very helpful. By knowing who the main characters are, it allowed them to know which actors would play the biggest parts in the film. This was one key area they said interested them in watching the rest of the film, knowing who the main characters are and the actors that play them.
They also agreed on the way the trailer hides the identity of the villain, and doesnt really give the audience much of an idea to who it could be or what they even look like. With the use of mystery they said it would make them want to watch the film to find out who it was. From what my focus group said they enjoyed about this trailer I am going to try and incorporate it into my trailer for my horror film. By doing this it will meet what my focus group and target audience said they liked to see and what made them want to watch a trailer and/or film.
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